
Tis The Season for Holiday Shopping: Why you should shop early

Tis The Season for Holiday Shopping: Why you should shop early
Pumpkin Spice Frappes, the smell of fresh-baked pie, and endless laughs. The holiday season is a time for family and reflection. Fall festivities are a whole vibe, that is until you check the date on your phone and realize you have “I still have time," yourself into a bit of a problem. 

Early holiday shoppers exist; however, we would bet our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner that there is way more shopping down to the day of.

Now we could blame this on a few reasons, but one reason tops them all, procrastination. If you're a procrastinator you are going to want to shop earlier than usual. 


1. Less People Will Be Out

Last Christmas a survey revealed that 79% of shoppers would not start their holiday shopping until two weeks before Christmas. Getting your gifts out of the way earlier helps you beat the crowd and save time on waiting in long lines. 

2. Avoid Shipping Delays

While in previous years crossing your fingers and hoping your thoughtful gift will arrive with enough time to put it under the tree before breakfast may have been possible, 2021 begs to differ. Since the pandemic there have been  product delays across all business sectors, meaning you should start now just to be safe. This leads us to our third reason.


3. Product & Labor Shortages 

As the saying goes “if you snooze, you lose” and nothing rings truer this holiday season. Due to a lack of employees at shipping docks delivery times have taken a drastic hit. This means stores will have less products in stock, leading to a long wait time between refilling their racks.  


Shopping now can save you a headache later during this time of cheer. The last thing you want to do is be stressed during the season of giving. Give yourself the gift of peace and start your browsing today.

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